Design, Journal

Resolutions – Handle With Care

We took our own advice; we took a break! We shut off and rebooted. Now returning to the familiar cornerstones of our lives, the day-to-day. We enter this year with a slightly unconventional agenda — to cast aside guilt-inducing New Year's resolutions.

Let our 2023 be less about what we do differently and more about how we will hold what we already have.

We are finding contentment in the deep pool of things to appreciate right here, right now – including yourself.

For the ability to ground ourselves in nature, to touch stillness in a fast-moving world.
For the rituals that anchor our lives, those quiet moments in places we know and love.
For design that brings joy, enriching our environments in big and small ways.
For the mystery that each year brings, 365 days of potential, opportunity and luck.
For the people to your left and right, let there be unexpected connections, laughter and warmth.

We are all part of one story.
We thank you for being a part of this story.

Here at Lightly, we celebrate creativity, creating spaces, a network of similar-minded individuals and creating beloved objects.

We will continue to bring you considered well-made designs made in partnership with makers in 2023 and our impact on Mother Nature at the forefront of all processes.

To another year, a gift afforded to us all.
What will you do in honour of this new year?

Lightly X

Image @armellehabib / Styling Heather Nette-King Flinders Victoria Sept 2022.