Design, Journal
North Fremantle – Walyalup News
Good News!
We are excited to announce that we have extended our time in North Fremantle / Walyalup until January 2024.
Thank you to everyone who celebrated our pop up last month. The space has been a perfect introduction back to WA after 23 years and a magnet for like-minded souls.
A big thank you to Dormilona Wines for supporting the event, Rebecca Grace florals and Hayley from Detail.
Whilst many of you may or may not know I am from WA, my grandparents were the Lighty's from a small wheatbelt town called York. It feels like only yesterday I was at my scrap metal studio in the Swan Valley, welding recycled metals together.
Since then, I have worked and breathed the creative industry, passionately designing and creating Lightly for 18 years.
Kinship is at the heart of the business, so thank you again for your support.