Journal, Trade


At the core of Lightly’s design values is an innate sense of playfulness and wonder. No other embodies this spirit quite like our friend, Martine Cajucom, pioneer of the beauty scene and design devotee.

We caught up with Martine in her incredible apartment in the Philipines. Filtered with sentimental family heirlooms and playful designs sourced from across the globe. Featured, you will see some of our favourite planters and vessels!

What do you do for work? Creative director/co-founder of eyewear brand Sunnies Studios and beauty brand Sunnies Face.

What is your favourite thing to do when at home? Getting a home massage while watching documentaries.

What inspires your style? All the things I loved as a young girl – cartoons, colours, prints, patterns :)

What is your favourite piece of furniture in your house + why? A painting by my aunt of my aunt and her cat. I grew up with this piece in my childhood home in Orange County and it inspired the colour palette of my entire apartment.

What is your favourite room in your house + why? My living room because it’s where I spend most hours vegetating.

Thank-you Martine xo