Design, Journal

Inspiration // Palm Springs

The functional mid-century modern shapes and colours that have become synonymous with Palm Springs, California run parallel with Lightly’s view of timeless design and utilitarian beauty.

The new Palm Springs planters from Lightly’s Cinnamon collection look to the colour and form of Palm Springs’ architecture and natural landscape. 

Crafted from powder-coated spun metal, the new Palm Springs planters are now available online and in-store.

Read on and follow @lightlydesign on Instagram and Pinterest to see some of our favourite Palm Springs colours, shapes and textures this week.

The Elrod House by John Lautner, 1968. Palm Springs USA. An example of Lautner’s “Free Architecture” designs, where architecture and nature are combined.

Millard House/La Miniatura by Frank Lloyd Wright, 1923. Pasadena, USA. The first of his four “textile block” houses, Frank Lloyd Wright sought to bring beauty to the simple, utilitarian concrete block.

Kaufmann House by Richard Neutra, 1947. Palm Springs, USA. Simply designed, each wing of the house has a specific function and the architecture is balanced by outdoor features–bringing the natural and built environment together.